Thursday 31 December 2015


I JUST FOUND OUT THAT I'M BEING REPLACED BY SOME GIRL NAMED LEA! Why!! I don't wanna be replaced! Like, seriously!! I'm much cooler than some girl who goes on a silly trip to wherever the hecky she's going! It's not fair! I'm Girl of the Year, not her! Grr, it's just no fair!! :( What kind of a name is Lea?!?!?! I'M GIRL OF THE YEAR, NOT HER! If she joins our family then I will scream! Well, at least she'll be gone next year, so I can't wait until January 1st, 2017!!

Well, I'll write to you later, when I'm not Girl of the Year anymore. :(

~Grace Lily <3

P.S. Grace has nothing against Lea Clark, she is just upset that she won't be Girl of the Year anymore tomorrow.

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