Wednesday 16 December 2015

Christmas Updates!

Hello people of the world! It's Grace again and I'm here, typing on the computer, waiting for Anna to finish whatever the hecky she's doing so that she can play with me and my sisters! So in this blog I have a few things I'd like to say.

First of all, Anna is contemplating which doll she wants to take with her on her trip to Houston next week. If you haven't heard about this trip, then you can click here to watch her update video about some things that are gonna happen with her channel in about a week. I really hope that she'll take me!!

Also, sorry I haven't had time to type a blog lately. First of all, Lizzie has been hogging the computer to make her silly beauty videos and I never get to use it! It's so unfair! Anywho, I'm gonna stop ranting now. XD

If Anna takes me on her trip to Houston, then I will try to post a blog about what it's like. When-er-if, I go, then I'm gonna meet Rebecca there and Anna might be getting a new doll. I hope she doesn't so that I will be the newest doll for longer.

Ugh, I am so not excited for New Year's because I will be replaced with some new girl of the year named Lea or something. What kind of a name is Lea? I hope she doesn't join our family because I am the only girl of the year! It's not fair! Anywho, sorry about all of my ranting in this blog post, let's now focus on the positives, shall we?

So Anna is going on a trip to Houston and she'll probably pick me to go with her(I hope she will). She's gonna go to the American Girl Place and buy us some new outfits(with her own money). Those are the positives so far.

Let's move on to the Christmasy stuff in this blog. So who's excited for Christmas? I totally am! Anna decorated her dollhouse for Christmas and it is so festive and Christmasy I am just so excited! I just can't! Ahhhhhh! Christmas is awesome!

So I have to get off the computer now cuz Rebecca is nagging me to go watch a family Christmas movie with my sisters, so I guess I'll talk to you guys really soon, and I will hopefully be in Anna's next video! I'll update you guys on whether I'm going with Anna on her trip or not soon. :) :) :) <3 <3

~Grace Lily <3

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