Saturday 30 January 2016

Valentine's Day Special!

Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and I thought that I would make a super long blog post to celebrate Valentine's Day! In this post, I will show you some Valentine's Day themed fashion tips(featuring my sister Lizzie), and a delicious recipe! So let's get started, shall we! =D 

I found this super cute recipe on this website:, and I am not taking credit for it in any way, shape, or form. 

Okay, so let's begin the recipe! In this post, I am going to be showing you how to make these super cute Valentine's Day themed cookies. You can modify the decorations for any occasion, and these are also super nice to make for snacking on.

Here is a quick look at what the cookies will look like when you are done:

The ingredients that you will need for these cookies are:

2/3 cup shortening, 2/3 cup butter, 1 1/2 cups white sugar, 2 eggs, 2 teaspoons vanilla extract, 3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt, and 1/3 cup granulated sugar for decoration.

So here's what you need to do to make the cookies. If you don't get it the first time, then try try again!

The first and foremost thing that you need to do is to preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit, or 175 degrees Celsius. 

Once you have done that, cream together the butter, shortening, and sugar in a medium bowl. Also stir in the eggs and vanilla. 

Combine the flour, baking powder, and salt, and stir them into the creamed mixture until the dough comes together. 

Roll the dough into individual walnut sized balls, and roll the balls into sugar. If you want to, then you can shape the balls into tiny hearts for Valentine's Day, especially if you have a heart shaped cookie cutter! Place the balls onto an unprepared cookie sheet about 2 inches apart from each other.

Bake the cookies for 10-12 minutes in the preheated oven, or until the bottom of each cookie is a nice, warm light brown. Then remove the cookies from the oven, and lay them to cool. Once they are all cooled off, they're ready to eat! After they're done baking, then you can decorate them any way that you like.

So that's all for the recipe! I really hope that you are able to try this, and it was super fun to try this out with my sisters.

Now we will move onto the fashion tips, and I'm gonna hand the post over to Lizzie now.

Hello, my adoring fans! It's me, Lizzie, and Grace wants me to give you all some Valentine's Day fashion tips. I mean, of course I'll do it, I am the fashion queen, after all. So let's get started with some super cute and festive Valentine's Day fashion tips!

Tip #1: Wear lots and lots of pink!(and red)

I dunno 'bout you, but Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays of the year, because it features pink! Pink is my absolute favorite color, and I will always take an excuse to wear pink every day! Of course, you can't wear ALL pink, but pink and red are pretty much the main colors of Valentine's Day, oh, and purple too!

Tip #2: Dresses and skirts!

Dresses are super cute for Valentine's Day, and so are skirts! You can never go wrong with a dress or a skirt for any type of occasion!(Did I mention pink dresses are the best?!) Knee length dresses and skirts are my favorite length because they're not too long, but not too short.

Tip #3: Hearts and flowers.

When you see a heart, what do you think of? Valentine's Day!(Well, at least I do!) Hearts are the main symbol of Valentine's Day, and you can never go wrong with a heart patterned skirt or dress. Flowers are also a very common symbol when it comes to Valentine's Day, because they are so springy and flowy, and oh, I just love Valentine's Day!! Here's a perfect example of a heart patterned dress, this one's from American Girl!

Isn't this dress just gorgeous?!?! I MUST have it!!

So those are all of the tips that I have for today, and I really hope that these tips are helpful and that you'll use them on that special day! And now, here's Grace again.

Heyyy, it's Grace again, and I am here just in time to finish off the blog post! This post was definitely my favorite one to write, and it took quite a while! I hope that you enjoyed reading this, and I'll write to you again in a future blog post, and I'll hopefully see you in a video soon! =D

~Grace Lily <3

Thursday 31 December 2015


I JUST FOUND OUT THAT I'M BEING REPLACED BY SOME GIRL NAMED LEA! Why!! I don't wanna be replaced! Like, seriously!! I'm much cooler than some girl who goes on a silly trip to wherever the hecky she's going! It's not fair! I'm Girl of the Year, not her! Grr, it's just no fair!! :( What kind of a name is Lea?!?!?! I'M GIRL OF THE YEAR, NOT HER! If she joins our family then I will scream! Well, at least she'll be gone next year, so I can't wait until January 1st, 2017!!

Well, I'll write to you later, when I'm not Girl of the Year anymore. :(

~Grace Lily <3

P.S. Grace has nothing against Lea Clark, she is just upset that she won't be Girl of the Year anymore tomorrow.

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Christmas Updates!

Hello people of the world! It's Grace again and I'm here, typing on the computer, waiting for Anna to finish whatever the hecky she's doing so that she can play with me and my sisters! So in this blog I have a few things I'd like to say.

First of all, Anna is contemplating which doll she wants to take with her on her trip to Houston next week. If you haven't heard about this trip, then you can click here to watch her update video about some things that are gonna happen with her channel in about a week. I really hope that she'll take me!!

Also, sorry I haven't had time to type a blog lately. First of all, Lizzie has been hogging the computer to make her silly beauty videos and I never get to use it! It's so unfair! Anywho, I'm gonna stop ranting now. XD

If Anna takes me on her trip to Houston, then I will try to post a blog about what it's like. When-er-if, I go, then I'm gonna meet Rebecca there and Anna might be getting a new doll. I hope she doesn't so that I will be the newest doll for longer.

Ugh, I am so not excited for New Year's because I will be replaced with some new girl of the year named Lea or something. What kind of a name is Lea? I hope she doesn't join our family because I am the only girl of the year! It's not fair! Anywho, sorry about all of my ranting in this blog post, let's now focus on the positives, shall we?

So Anna is going on a trip to Houston and she'll probably pick me to go with her(I hope she will). She's gonna go to the American Girl Place and buy us some new outfits(with her own money). Those are the positives so far.

Let's move on to the Christmasy stuff in this blog. So who's excited for Christmas? I totally am! Anna decorated her dollhouse for Christmas and it is so festive and Christmasy I am just so excited! I just can't! Ahhhhhh! Christmas is awesome!

So I have to get off the computer now cuz Rebecca is nagging me to go watch a family Christmas movie with my sisters, so I guess I'll talk to you guys really soon, and I will hopefully be in Anna's next video! I'll update you guys on whether I'm going with Anna on her trip or not soon. :) :) :) <3 <3

~Grace Lily <3

Friday 20 November 2015


Hey there friends! My name is Grace Lily and this is my first blog post! I am Anna from PeaceLoveAGDolls's newest doll, and my favorite thing to do is bake. I love baking and it is super fun! Anyhoo, on this blog I will post things about my life, fun fashion tips, and possible recipes! I might even throw in some sneak peaks about some of Anna's plans for her videos! I hope you like this blog and find it fun and interesting.

~Grace Lily <3